Tricia's new bath video course.
Choose the right stage for your baby.
Your unborn baby spends the first 9 months of life floating in the watery environment of the womb. During birth, aquatic swim reflexes associated with early swim development are integrated.
​This makes birth and beyond the perfect time, physiologically to continue your babies relationship with the water, by co-bathing in the safe environment of the bath at home.
"Start them early" and nuture, this innate watery connection.
"They will love you for it"
Best Value
The Complete Set
Home Bath Lessons for 0 - 6 months
Valid for 6 months
Best Value
Home Bath Lessons
Valid for 6 months
Best Value
6 Weeks
Home Bath Lessons
Valid for 6 months
Best Value
9 Weeks
Home Bath Lessons
Valid for 6 months
Best Value
12 Weeks
Home Bath Lessons
Valid for 6 months
Best Value
4 months - 6 months
Home Bath Lessons
Valid for 6 months